District 19
Texas Retired Teachers Association
Bridge to the Future
Purposes of District 19
•To promote membership in the local chapters and TRTA;
•to provide leadership to and communication with the local chapters;
•to encourage retired personnel to give voluntarily of their time, talents, and experience in furthering the education and civic endeavors in the community, the state, and the nation; and
•to afford opportunities for united action in solving problems relative to the needs of retired public school employees.
Local Chapters
El Paso Lower Valley Retired Teachers Association
El Paso Retired Teachers Association
Ysleta Retired School Employees Association
Steve Evans -- President
Ysleta Retired School Employees Assn.
Rosemary Leiman -- First Vice President
Ysleta Retired School Employees Assn.
Jackie Morgan Tomko -- Second Vice President
El Paso Retired Teachers Association
Maria Baxley Reyes -- Secretary
El Paso Lower Valley Retired Teachers Assn.
Cathy Czapla -- Treasurer
Ysleta Retired School Employees Assn.
Nancy Evans -- Immediate Past President
Ysleta Retired School Employees Assn.
Committee Chairmen
Steve Evans -- D19 State Legislative Committee
Erma Nelson -- Parliamentarian
Helen Rojas -- Volunteers
Lila Murphy -- Retirement Education
Helen Rojas -- Member Benefits
David Olivas -- TRTF Liaison
Nancy Evans -- Editor/Technology
Erma Nelson -- D19 Education Grant
Ron Leiman -- Historian